How to design graphical RDLC report in Microsoft dynamics NAV 2018
First we need to create a table for the graphical report. Lets create a new table which will contain budget and actual amount of different accounts with the following fields:
Save the table as Graphical Report Table. Now insert following data into the table for example:
Our table is ready for the Report. Now go to report section and click new to create a new report. In the report designer enter the table number or name as DataItem. Then select the table fields under the DataItem.
Then create a chart you want from the list. Here i choose the first one for this example. In the chart data section select Actual and Budget field Sum in Value section. And Name as Category. That means in the X axis data from name will be shown and in the Y axis summation of the actual and budget field will be shows for each name.
Our table is ready for the Report. Now go to report section and click new to create a new report. In the report designer enter the table number or name as DataItem. Then select the table fields under the DataItem.
Now select View > Layout from main menu. The report layout will be open in visual studio. (If visual studio is not installed in your computer SQL report designer may open but I recomand Visual Studio for RDLC report design). in the visual studio report design choose chart from toolbox menu.
Give a name of the chart then save and close visual studio. Finally in NAV report designer save and compile the report. Run to test the report. It should be look like the fowling image:
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