Getting Start with D365 Business Central Development

 Configure VS Code:

Download and Install VS Code

Install Extension

a.        AL Language extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

b.       AZ AL Dev Tools/AL Code Outline for Visual Studio Code

Create New Project:

In the command palette write AL to get all AL related commands. 

To create a new project write AL:GO

    Give project path

    Select server type

A JSON file named lanch.json will be created with the configuration settings. Change the settings as     per your configurations. To know about the parameters of this configurations visit this url:
Launch JSON file - Business Central | Microsoft Learn

Now select AL: Download Symbols in the Command Palette. If 
If the configuration is ok alpackages will be download. Select the Microsoft_Base_Application to see the available object list.
With the project a sample al file named was auto generated. Open that file. It is a page extension for Customer List page to show a message when the page will run. 
To check go to Run->Start Debugging or press F5. You can also run without debugging.
The code will deploy to the server and run the mentioned object in the launch.json file (for this example it was page 22 which is customer list. After run you can see the message box is showing with Hello world message.


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